Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Do You Want to Be Happy? Then Make It Happen

Do you want to be happy? Do you know what it will take to make you happy? If so, then make it happen. If not, then listen to these ideas from Herman Cain, who wants to be nominated for President of the United States.
He believes there are three keys to happiness.
1)  Something to do.
When you feel unhappy because you have too much idle time. When you get bored and get down, snap out of it and get busy again. Get you mood elevated. Find a hobby. Volunteer your free time. Learn to cook. Coach youth sports.
2)  Something to Love
Friends and family are such an important element to ultimate happiness. Spend some extra time with them. If you are single, you may have a best friend that always knows how to pick you up when you want to cry.
Pets can be an incredible source of companionship, there to greet you when you come home (I can relate to this. I’ve always had a pet ever since I can remember) They usually love you unconditionally.
(3)  Something to Hope For
You should have something that drives you towards a goal. It’s been said if you aim for nothing, you’ll hit it every time. Have something to aim for, a dream you can hold close and never let completely out of sight.
When people lose hope they get complacent, and complacency often leads to a poor attitude. This self – perpetuating cycle of negativity can lead to serious depression, and ultimately harm cherished relationships. (I know about this too) But all hope is never lost. You may have to work a little harder temporarily to catch up and see those dreams around the next corner again.
“The only difference in a rut and a grave is six feet” If you find yourself in a rut, stop digging. Start moving in the direction of your dreams.
If you goal is debt freedom, stop using your credit cards and only buy what you can afford. If you want to lose weight, find a weight reducing plan and stick with it until you reach your goal.
The bottom line is you are responsible for your own happiness. Make the rest of your life the best of your life. Find out how right here.

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